What's in a name?

DownUnder Sports Bistro Asian Australian Football Championships 2007...

1 comment:

chaos said...

Spread the word throughout Thaigerland.....Kaos is in control.

100 of his bestest closest friends are coming to the biggest, sportiest, happiest party in Asian Football History, The Asian Footy Aussie Barby Beergarden Party (The event formally known as Asian Champs).

Others are bringing 4 forelorn still-expatriated expats. They'll think they're at home but, cos' they can buy a pie and chips at the footy on a Sat-dee.

Every single other Tiger is now tasked with bringing one group of people along to Patana on 14 July that number somewhere between 4 and 100. There is 1 across-the-board fine that applies to this years hosts - if you do not slot one through the big sticks and put bums on seats, then you buy both of these extreme Thaigers a beer, of your choice, from Tommy's girls, paid for by coupon that you have prepurchased (Details soon, watch this space, get on it, wind's shifting down under across from offshore, 7 weeks to go, logo's l-l-launched and party's started). Drink like a fish.

There is a rumour going around that the hong kong boys will attract a bigger girlie fan base for their tilt at the cup, after one night at the soccer, than the reigning hosts can scrounge up after 12 months of living the Asian football dream in Thailand's premier city. That'd be a coup. Another rumour is that the newbies from Dubai are planning to have a cheer squad that will dwarf Tigers numbers by 100% - they're bring two umpires. **BALI ORGANISED THIS THEMSELVES, THE PIZZA-EATING FINGER-POINTERS**: THEY'RE BRINGING THEIR BETTER HALVES TO PLAY NETBALL AND BY DOING SO THINK THEY WILL BRING SHAME TO ALL TIGERS EFFORTS AT CROWD PULLING. That'd be swell. The rival code in town has gotten a sniff too. They've already filled in our empty boundary umping boots and will be along in numbers to cheer Tommy's heart. Can we call THEM Tigers for the day so we don't look like friendless grey men at our own party? I'll cry if I want to.

Now where was that communications plan for presentation to the committeeeeeeeeeeeee? Nup, not here. I must of chucked it out.

Let's wing it.

The coordinator formally known as rowdy has stopped going to church, stopped listening to Thou Shalts from on high, and has just bought his first pair of blue jeans in 7 years.

what else are you gonna do?

Stuff showbags, or




Yours sincerely,

The Asian Footy Aussie Barby Beergarden Party Coordinator